
Anarchy Beyond the Walls

Issue 0

The US dollar has collapsed, and along with it, the United States. The rich control the cities, but have little control beyond their walls. We join a young man on the outside, named Shane, trying to do nothing more than have an uninterrupted beer.  Wesley, a young man with the insurrection, wants Shane to take a job delivering a package for them.  Shane tries to convince him that he’s retired, when his friend Mike arrives.  Mike offers to take the job, and then challenges Shane to a motorcycle race. Shane has to go on the delivery if he loses. Mike takes Wesley’s money, and bets it on himself, at great odds. He’s never beaten Shane. The race is neck and neck, with each of them barreling down the narrow streets of slums outside the walled city. Issue zero is an introduction to the world and characters of Anarchy Beyond the Walls, before the main plot ramps up in issue one.


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